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1) FactsWise is based on 5 key principles (Video 6:49)
2) We Need to Teach Basic Facts Fluency Before We Test It (Video 1:21, Myuriel, Dual Immersion Teacher)
3) Facts fluency results are remarkable when daily mini-lessons focus on concept building and part-whole thinking strategies (Video 5:22)
4) What Are Your Key Insights and Questions at this Point?
5) Course Overview: FactsWise Addition and Subtraction (Video 3:59)
Special Note if you want to receive a Course Completion Certificate or earn College (Continuing Education) Credits
First Step: Download the FactsWise Addition/Subtraction Resource Book
Recommended Materials
Getting Started with Goal 1 Mini-Lesson 1: Show Me (Video 0:19, Bonus Download)
Mini-Lesson 1a: Show Me with the Slavonic Abacus/Rekenrek (Video 5:24, 3:28, 2:41)
Mini-Lessson 2: Teddy Bear +1 Stories and Accountable Talk Part 1 (Silent Video 2:03, Videos 0:50, 11:11, Bonus Download)
Mini-Lesson 3: Shake-It-Up +1 Activity (Silent Video 0:32)
Mini-Lessons 4 and 5: Teddy Bear +2 Stories and Shake-It-Up +2 Activity (Silent Video 1:19)
Mini-Lesson 6: Puppies in the Park Stories (Video 6:33, Bonus Download)
Deciding when to move from Phase 1 to Phase 2 and then later to Phase 3
Mini-Lesson 7: Subitize Flash (Video Link 5:50)
Mini-Lesson 8: All the Ways to Make 4 with a Total Physical Response (TPR) Activity (Video 5:38)
Mini-Lessons 9 and 12: All the Ways with Two-Sided Counters (ways to make 4; ways to make 5)
Mini-Lessons 10 and 11: All the Ways to Make 5 with Hands Parts 1 and 2 (Video 4:41, 4:32)
Communicating with Parents (Bonus Download)
Mini-Lesson 13: Clap Facts with Goal 1 Addition (Video 4:49)
Mini-Lesson 14: Two and Three are Buddies (Video 2:38)
Mini-Lesson 15: Go to the Dump Game (Videos 0:54, 1:56, Bonus Download)
Mini-Lesson 16: Addition Race to 100 Game (Bonus Download)
Assessing When Students Are Ready to Move on to Subtraction: Observing and Recording While Students Play Games (Video 5:05)
1) Facts Fluency: What Is It?
2) Facts Fluency - What Does It Look Like? (Video 2:32)
3) FactsWise Disrecommends Timed Tests
4) Two Valid Assessment Techniques: Observation and One-on-One Interviews (Videos 7:26, 1:58, 3:11, Bonus Downloads x2)
5) Keeping Track of Facts Fluency Progress (Bonus Downloads x2)
Creating a Year-Long FactsWise Calendar
Connecting Subtraction to Addition - a Fundamental FactsWise Principle (Videos 0:46, 1:40, 7:30)
Mini-Lessons 17-21: Teddy Bear Stories and Shake-It-Up Activities for -1 and -2 (Video 0:45)
Mini-Lesson 22: Five Little Monkeys Powerpoint (Video 5:02, Bonus Downloads x2)
Mini-Lesson 23: Monkey Stories with Part-Whole Grids (Video 3:36)
Mini-Lessons 24 and 25: Goal 1 Subtracting Patterns
Mini-Lessons 26: Subtraction Clap Facts with clear connections to the related addition facts (Videos 1:01, 0:45, 3:18, Bonus Download)
Mini-Lesson 27: I Have Five Balloons Choral Chant (Video 2:02)
Mini-Lesson 28: Goal 1 Subtraction Race to 100 (Video 8:00, 5:45)
Mini-Lesson 29: Pairs Practice Tents (Video 0:46)
Upcoming highlights
Quick Link to FactsWise Addition/Subtraction E-Course for Educators - Buy Now
About this course
- Free
- 44 lessons
- 0 hours of video content
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